Not Dead Yet!

Hey, folks, I need book reviewers!

So Pagan Book Reviews is now a .net instead of a .com because in the craziness of grad school and the aftermath I accidentally let the domain name expire and some squatter nabbed it and wants too much money for it. So I figured if .net is good enough for Facing North, it’s good enough for me. And so Pagan Book reviews still lives!

When I started the site back in December of 2006, I was in a very different place in my life. I was commuting to work by bus, and so had ample time where all I really could do was read. And that lifestyle, to one degree or another continued for a few years, even into grad school. Over time, though, I let the reviews lapse, though I kept the site up as an archive.

Now that I’ve been full-time self-employed for a year, I’ve been able to get an idea of what I do and don’t have the time for. One thing I don’t have time for, sadly, is writing lots and lots of reviews; even my personal reading time isn’t what it used to be (though I’m trying to fix that). What this means is that I have a backlog of books that need to be read and reviewed, AND I want Pagan Book Reviews to continue being a good collection of reviews and ideas so that people know what’s out there. Plus reviews are invaluable to authors as feedback, so it’s a resource for us writers, too.

So here’s what I need:

–I need people to review books. I’ll mail you books, you email me back the review, and you get to keep the books to do with as you will. I’m also happy to take on reviews of other relevant books you’ve read even if they didn’t come from me; they just need to follow the format I use on the site. Yes, you can review books that have already been reviewed on the site. Yes, you can review books you’ve reviewed elsewhere. No, they don’t have to be specifically pagan, though you can check the categories on the left sidebar for an idea of what I’ve considered appropriate. No, you don’t get paid, but you do get free books and unless they’re advance readers’ copies you’re welcome to sell them once you’ve given me the review. There ARE links to Amazon’s affiliate program; it really doesn’t make very much, and I’ll probably end up spending more in shipping costs than I’ll get from Amazon. That’s okay; I want this site to keep going! Contact me at whishthound (at)

–I need books to review! If you’re an author, a publisher, or other concerned party, give me a yell at whishthound (at) We also accept occasional issues of pagan magazines, as well as CDs, DVDs, and other relevant media.

–I need links! Specifically, I need links to other reviewers of pagan and related books. Even if it’s just an archive, it counts.

Finally, please pass this on! I hate that I let this site lapse for so long, and even if I’m just more of a behind the scenes figure in it, I want it to keep going as the resource it’s meant to be. Thanks 🙂